Created by Sanjaya Karki

Computer Operator

Karnali Pradesh (New Model)

35 Questions

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31. You can convert existing excel worksheet data an charts to an HTML document by using

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22. How to use Format Painter multiple times

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25. How do you close a word document without closing Word window?

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10. The personal computer industry was started by

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7. Analog computer works on the supply of

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12. Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer?

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30. To activate the previous cell in a pre-selected range, press

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41. The two form layout types will display multiple records at one time are tabular and............. .

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34. A default header and footer is shown in

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11. Asynchronous communication is

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25. Which key do you press to force a page break?

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38. To hold row and column titles in places so that they do not scroll when you scroll a worksheet, click the

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29. Ctrl + Z

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43. A form defines

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12. IBM 1401 is

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49. How can you make a numbered list?

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47. What PowerPoint feature will you use to apply motion effects to different objects of a slide?

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36. Which of the following is a popular DOS based spreadsheet package?

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26. To move the cursor page to page of document

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42. A database language concerned with the definition of the whole database structure and schema is 

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17. The memory which allocates space for DOS and application is called

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24. Word includes a series of predefined graphics called............., that can be inserted into a Word document.

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36. How many characters can be typed in a single cell in Excel?

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13. Which of the following memories allows simultaneous read and writes operations?

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46. Which key is used to find and distinguish records uniquely?

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6. Where does your PC store your programs when the power is off?

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22. The file type..............indicates the file is a Word document.

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41. While creating relationship, when you drag a field of a field to drop into another table
the mouse pointer changes into

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17. My Computer was introduced from

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37. How do you select an entire column?

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3. In a computer .................... is capable to store single binary bit.

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8. Most important advantage of an IC is its

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15. Which operating system can you give smallest file name?

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21. How many ways you can save a document?

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12. The number of characters that can be stored in given physical space is

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